Aluan Wang From taipei
( Aluan Wang )
Aluan Wang, a pioneer in Taiwan’s audio-visual and generative art, is known for his unique style and is the first Taiwanese artist in the Artblocks NFT hall of fame. Since 2021, he has been the Art Director at akaSwap in the NFT domain.
王新仁(Aluan Wang),臺灣音像與演算藝術的先鋒人物,憑藉其多元且獨特的作品風格在國際上獲得認可,成為首位進入Artblocks NFT藝術殿堂的台灣藝術家。他擅長結合幾何圖形與電子音樂,創作出具有迷幻賽博龐克風格的作品,並時常融入對土地與人文的關懷。近年,王新仁的作品越來越聚焦於社會與歷史議題,運用演算法與點雲技術挑戰傳統觀念,展現其強烈的個人風格與觀點。自2021年起,他積極參與NFT領域,目前擔任akaSwap平台的藝術總監。
春分 | Equinox
“Everything flows, nothing stands still.” —Heraclitus
Mapping is not just a mere simulation; it is the transcendence and transformation of reality.
In Asian culture, the equinox symbolizes rebirth and renewal, akin to the significance of Easter in the West. For me, this festival holds special meaning as it is an integral part of my rural upbringing and a vessel for my childhood memories and emotions.
Throughout my artistic journey, I have been exploring invisible pathways and overarching systems. From my audiovisual work “Dynamized Center” a decade ago to last year’s “Automatic Messages,” each piece delves deeply into the essence of generative systems. I firmly believe that the heart of generative art lies not only in the visual output but in the comprehensive systems driving these outputs.
In “Equinox,” this concept is expanded further. I designed several interacting systems whose interplay results in unpredictable outcomes, embodying the beauty of seasonal transitions and natural cycles while capturing subtle emotions that are easily overlooked in our fast-paced world. The colors and forms, blended through iterative processes within the system, invite the audience to find personal resonance within countless possibilities.
“Equinox” is not just an imitation of reality but a reinterpretation and creation of it. Through this process, I reshape the audience’s perception of natural phenomena and challenge their understanding of “reality” itself, exploring the intertwining of time and memory.