dialog( )
Asian Generative
Art Exhibition
Alvis Lee Profile Picture

Alvis Lee From taipei

( 李祥裕 )

Alvis Lee is a new media artist, Lecturer in generative art at Asia University. He focuses on generative art and audiovisual performance. The concept behind his creations is inspired by observing nature. His works have been exhibited at the Shanghai Visual Art Festival, The National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts, C-Lab Taipei, CHIJMES Hall Singapore, dialog() Asia.

Alvis Lee (李祥裕) 為一名旅居倫敦及台北的新媒體藝術家。他專注於演算生成藝術、音像演出。其創作理念源自於對大自然的觀察。過去作品及演出曾受邀於上海數字藝術節、國立高雄藝術中心(衛武營)藝術計畫、虛擬藝術跨界實驗基地(VA Hub)、臺灣當代文化實驗場 C-LAB….中呈現。

De_struggle - 調和

This piece is not just an aesthetic experiment for me. The idea of "de struggle" extends from the act of debugging. This year, I've often asked myself what constitutes a finished generative art piece. In software development, you come up with an idea, implement it, and once it's debugged, it's done. But generative art doesn't have a clear endpoint. Even after debugging, there's always room for more variety. The real challenge for me is decision paralysiswhether to add more of a certain style or aim for balance. My mind feels like a computer, with anxiety and uncertainty being the bugs. Unlike machines, though, artists' struggles are psychological. There's no clear fix, just a need to balance things out, let go, and move on. That's why I call it "de struggle."

de strugglede struggle

  • Medium

    HTML / CSS / JavaScript

  • De_struggle - 調和 Figure 1
  • De_struggle - 調和 Figure 2
  • De_struggle - 調和 Figure 3


Global warming continues to raise sea levels, leaving the future of Earth uncertainor perhaps it's simply one we’d rather not confront or imagine. Generative art, through algorithms, captures a realm of possibilities beyond human reach. With more intense earthquakes around the Pacific Rim, the structural shifts bring land to mimic oceanic whirlpools, and rising sea levels blend land and sea into a state of constant flux. This chaotic state presents a delicate, dynamic balancewhether as a vision humans shy away from or a glimpse through the machine's eye.

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  • Medium

    GLSL / JavaScript

  • Unseen Figure 1
  • Unseen Figure 2