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Asian Generative
Art Exhibition
DaDa (Qiuyan Da) Profile Picture

Encoded Life | 生生不息

generative digital artwork, 40seconds, 2023

Based on the mechanism of L-System, Encoded Life series attempt to build a complex iterative system that depicts the imaginary picture of life growing and expanding among the universe. L-system is a mathematical model used to describe natural growth behavior of certain types of organism like plants or human lungs. By adding rules and parameters to the algorithm, Encoded Life generates organic shapes and structures that keeps evolving. As Taoism says, ‘Dao begets One, One begets Two, Two begets Three, Three begets all things’. Building up from a simple set of rules, the image becomes so mysteriously beautiful with its arbitrarily complex composition. Encoded Life encapsulates the life force that permeates all existence, showcasing the artist's exploration of the profound relationship between our internal experiences and the vast universe.

L-SystemL-SystemDaDaouter spaceinner space