Ellwood Chen From beijing
( Ellwood Chen )
Ellwood Chen used materials, colors, geometry, and composition to recreate static montages of dreams, showcasing his dream and fantasy experiences through his self-created Memory Loci (memory palace).
Ellwood Chen,90后青年艺术家,以记梦为创作动机。2016年,他获特殊贡献奖毕业于美国MICA,旅居纽约后于2018年回国。早期作品中,他通过材料、颜色、几何等元素重塑梦境静止片段,并通过自创的Memory Loci(记忆宫殿)展示梦境和幻想。2018年起,他以数码媒介创作,在自动化艺术世代探讨存在本源问题,作品充满潜意识谜题、神话叙事、血战现场和游戈色块,构建谜语性在场。作为加密艺术家,他参展全球首届NFT尤伦斯Lab群展,作品被法国费加罗、英国金融时报等多家国际媒体报道,并被FAT评为最具潜力加密艺术家。
wHItEwINdANcE wHItEwINdANcE is a unique digital artwork that generates imagery in real-time through sound, showcasing the rhythm and cadence of sound. The work is composed of white particles that dynamically transform with the changes in sound, appearing to dance in the wind and creating a poetic visual experience. Continuing the early sound-visual experiments of artists like Oskar Fischinger and Norman McLaren, who combined abstract animation with music to seek a new resonance between the visual and auditory realms, wHItEwINdANcE carries forward this tradition. It uses advanced algorithms and real-time data processing technology to translate the immediate characteristics of sound into visual form.