dialog( )
Asian Generative
Art Exhibition
Karyn Nakamura Profile Picture

Karyn Nakamura From tokyo

( Karyn Nakamura )

Karyn is a researcher in digital forensics and visual investigations based in NY. She is a graduate of MIT with a B.S in Art where she made things like a 20 channel video performance in an abandoned 2 story Frank Gehry Pub and a 400ft wide, 10 story building projection.

2001年生まれ東京渋谷区出身。Massachusetts Institute of Technology(マサチューセッチュ工科大学)にて芸術とデザインの学士号を取得した後、現在はニューヨークを拠点にvisual investigationsの研究者として活動。これまでに大規模なインスタレーション作品を複数発表しており、近年の作品に10階建ての約200mの建物へのプロジェクション『116X21』、Frank Gehry建築のMITのコンピューターサイエンスビルの中の廃墟のパブを舞台にした20チャンネルのビデオパフォーマンス『BREAK MY BODY LIBERATE MY SOUL』など。

Perfect Syntax / We meet in the middle

Information drifts in the ever-flowing stream of time which we seem to take so casually as a metaphysical background of our experience of life. But how is it that we see one frame after another and weave nonlinear logic in between? And if some future algorithm learns to do that well, what exactly is that algorithm that knows how to put together the syntactic logic of the world? What does it look like?

These videos are about trying to visualize an artificial video muscle. It emerges from the skeletons of a frame and reaches over to stitch together the next frame, continuously patching up distorted fragments of visual information.

Perfect Syntax (center screen)
We meet in the middle (this work is palindromic, it is played forwards and reverse across the 8 little screens)

  • Medium


  • Perfect Syntax / We meet in the middle Figure 1