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Asian Generative
Art Exhibition
oOps.50656(organic Operators) Gyuchul Moon, Sunjeong Hwang Profile Picture

oOps.50656(organic Operators) Gyuchul Moon, Sunjeong Hwang From seoul

oOps.50656(organic-Operators) is a new media art collective by Gyuchul Moon and Sunjeong Hwang. Based on multidisciplinary research, they create multi-sensory experiences and poetic moments in new media, pushing generative art boundaries and imbuing environments with organic movements and rhythms.

oOps.50656(organic-Operators)은 현대예술가, 사운드 프로듀서인 문규철과 황선정으로 구성된 뉴미디어아트 콜렉티브다. 유기적 연산자로서 다학제간 연구와 사유를 기반으로, 동시대 인간과 자연 환경에 유기적인 움직임과 시차를 부여하는 사운드-AV퍼포먼스, 인스톨레이션을 통해, 다감각적 추상 경험과 뉴미디어의 시적 순간을 제안하는 작업을 선보인다. <MUTEK JP+MX2020>,<Paradise Art Lab2022>등 국내 외 미술관, 페스티벌 등에서 작품과 라이브 퍼포먼스를 선보이고 있다.

Innermost Landscape: 가장 깊은 곳의 아리아(Aria)(2024)

Innermost Landscape: (Aria)(2024) explores the nonlinear space-time of the innermost where and their Aria. It is a Landscape of energy and rhythm found might, in the deepest soil, the inner self, innermost somewhere, or the natural algorithms of the earth. The algorithms becomes an abstract rhythm, continuously flowing as a generative and organic movement, forming the relationships and native innermost landscape. The rhythmic lines and vitality, shifting between near and far perspectives, flow both inner and outer of water, becoming an organic space-time scape.

generative algorithm, glsl with @touchdesigner


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  • Innermost Landscape: 가장 깊은 곳의 아리아(Aria)(2024) Figure 1

Spatial Rotate Oscillator, 스파샬 로테이트 오실레이터

Spatial Rotate Oscillator is a work that allows us to perceive the energy and flow of electromagnetic fields surrounding usthough invisiblein the form of sound. It detects unique waves and cycles in response to the surrounding environment, converting electromagnetic signals into sound that interacts with its surroundings. The sound of the electromagnetic field is combined with mechanical movement, and the sounds regulated by the circular motion are reflected in real time. This process explores the organic composition possibilities of sound through feedback and principles of self-organization. Spatial Rotate Oscillator is based on the artist’s research and includes collaborative research with Dr. Wan-Ho Cho from the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS).
This work is by artist Gyuchul Moon.

Spatial Rotate Osciollator, . , , . , , , . Spatial Rotate Osciollator, (KRISS).

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    Spatial Rotate Oscillator

  • Spatial Rotate Oscillator, 스파샬 로테이트 오실레이터 Figure 1
  • Spatial Rotate Oscillator, 스파샬 로테이트 오실레이터 Figure 2