PING SHENG WU From taipei
( 吳秉聖 )
Ping Sheng Wu, a new media artist, specialises in computer music, audiovisual performances, and installation art. His works have been featured at various art festivals and exhibitions in festivals across Asia, Europe, and North America.
新媒體藝術家、聲音藝術家,創作為電腦音樂、音像演出、新媒體裝置。聲音設計與舞團YiLab於邁阿密海灘巴塞爾藝術展演出。2023參與FilmGate互動媒體藝術節獲得提名,並入選加拿大SAT Fest 2024媒體藝術節。創作發表於台灣雙年展、台灣國際光影藝術節、台灣燈會、月津港燈節、台北白晝之夜等活動,作品在亞洲、歐洲和北美的許多聯展和藝術節中展出。
Folding Harmonies
A journey from auditory to aesthetics of sight, lights and textures.
An algorithm manipulated architectural portrait.
A transient, volatile and fragile moment while silence completed it.
'Folding Harmonies' examines the intricate interplay between sound, light, and space, fostering a collective consciousness among its audience. Rooted in the principles of generative art, this work delves into the connections between auditory and visual experiences.
Created through coding, 'Folding Harmonies' encompasses over two hundred variations archived on the blockchain, forming an evolving, dynamic entity. Each visual piece, rendered with client-side computing, brings a pixelated world to life, where each pixel distinctly contributes to the narrative of light and sound.
The artist reimagines these pixel arrangements, imbuing each with unique movement and speed, enabling viewers to observe how these details converge into cohesive imagery. This method transforms rigid algorithmic formulas into an artistic and poetic experience, revealing the essence of 'Folding Harmonies'.
On an architectural scale, the work engages the senses, transitioning from two-dimensional logic to a three-dimensional experience through layered light and sound.