dialog( )
Asian Generative
Art Exhibition
Samuel YAN Profile Picture

Samuel YAN From beijing

( Samuel YAN )

a generative artist based in Tokyo, born in Luoyang, China in 1990. Central to his artistic philosophy is the concept of "ME", which serves as a source for articulating human relationships through his creative endeavors.

1990年生于中国洛阳。是一位常驻东京的生成艺术家。2019 年,为了探索数字艺术的更多可能性,他从上海移居东京,并于同年开始探索生成艺术领域表达方式的无限可能性。对于包豪斯、立体主义以及算法的热爱,促使他在当代城市生活中以 "我 "为源头,用作品探讨人与人之间的关系。

As someone who lives in urban areas what I want to say is…

This series consists of three scenes from the life of Dialog with the City, Dialog with myself, and Dialog with You. The artist draws inspiration from Tokyo, the city where he lives. Through geometric shapes and their abstract changes, the artist expresses his thoughts on urban life. He also borrows the form of dialog to bring the artist and visitors closer together.



  • As someone who lives in urban areas what I want to say is… Figure 1
  • As someone who lives in urban areas what I want to say is… Figure 2
  • As someone who lives in urban areas what I want to say is… Figure 3