Sey Min From seoul
( 민세희 )
Sey Min is an artist specializing in data-driven AI art and design. Her work explores societal insights through energy-dependent architecture, public data awareness, and AI environments. Featured at TED, ZKM, MoMA blog, MMCA, CNN, Lift Asia, NeurIPS, Google Arts & Culture, Intel, and more.
민세희작가는 데이터 기반 AI 아트와 디자인을 통해 우리 자신과 사회을 다양한 시각으로 이해하고자 한다. SKT, intelUSA등 국내외 기업과의 협업, TED, ZKM, MoMA 블로그, MMCA, CNN, Lift Asia, NeurIPS, Google Arts & Culture, Intel 등에 소개되었으며 MIT 센서블 시티 랩 도시정보 디자인 연구원, 테드 펠로우, 테드 시니어 펠로우, 서울라이트(2019) 총감독, 제 10대 경기콘텐츠 진흥원장을 역임하였다.
what if machines can see music...?
"what if machines can see music...?" (2024) is a work that reinterprets audio files through visualization. Initiated in 2017, this project segments and clusters audio based on feature analysis, reconstructing it in 3D space. While using the same 2017 analysis results, this iteration experiments with the evolution of simple 2D data into complex 3D space. As visual representations become more elaborate, the essence of the original data gradually obscures. Through four exhibitions at dialog( ), the project attempts increasingly abstract visual expressions, exploring the phenomenon of data essence fading as aesthetic complexity grows.