Takakurakazuki From tokyo
( たかくらかずき )
Born in 1987, this artist holds a Master’s degree from Tokyo Zokei University. His digital media work includes video games, pixel art, VR, NFTs, and AI. He redefines contemporary art through Eastern philosophies like Buddhism, exploring digital data and character variation aesthetics. Exhibitions include Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Ashikaga City Museum of Art, and NTT InterCommunication Center [ICC], as well as shows in Mexico, Boston, South Korea, and New York.
アーティスト、1987年生まれ。東京造形大学大学院修士課程修了。ビデオゲームやピクセルアート、VR、NFT、AIなどのデジタル表現を使用し、仏教などの東洋思想による現代美術のルール書き換えとデジタルデータの新たな価値追求、キャラクターバリエーションの美学をテーマに作品を制作している。作品は山梨県立美術館や足利市立美術館、NTTインターコミュニケーション・センター [ICC]、メキシコ、ボストン、韓国、ニューヨークなどで展示。京都芸術大学非常勤講師。
みえるもの あらわれる���の いないもの / AI Yokai Summoning Ritual
This work consists of yokai summoned by viewers.
Exhibition visitors operate a summoning machine placed at the center of the venue to create their own haiku (5-7-5) by selecting words from a pool of 108 x 108 x 108 words.
The haiku selected by the viewers are then transformed into 50-word English poems by ChatGPT. These poems become the "incantation" to summon a yokai.
An image-generating AI, developed by Kandagawa Sōyō and Takakura, which mimics Takakura's artistic style, reads the English poem and summons a new yokai.
The summoned yokai exist online as digital data bearing the name of the haiku and can be preserved as NFTs on the blockchain by anyone.
Please enjoy viewing the countless new yokai summoned as "non-existing beings" through the collaborative imagination of the author, viewer, and AI, arranged in parallel.
Images generarted by AI