dialog( )
Asian Generative
Art Exhibition
Yi-Wen LIN Profile Picture

Yi-Wen LIN From taipei

( 林逸文 )

After living in western culture for all these years, I am still attached to eastern culture and get even more inspired by it now. Not only working with eastern culture elements, I am trying to combine different culture elements that I get from all these years living in foreign countries.

創意工程師、生成藝術家,旅居歐洲超過十年,先後居住於巴黎以及倫敦。受到多年生活於西方文化的影嚮以及本身來自東方文化的教育,作品嘗試融合不同的文化元素。大型互動作品曾在倫敦巴比肯藝術中心、杜拜世界博覽會展出。多年來也保持生成藝術的創作,在國際知名生成藝術平台Art blocks及Fxhash上皆有作品。


An exploration of chaos and movement, symbolising our everyday thoughts, emotions, and worries. These elements intertwine to create a chaotic and disordered reflection of our lives.


  • Medium

    HTML / CSS / JavaScript

  • Disorder Figure 1