dialog( )
Asian Generative
Art Exhibition
Youngkak Cho Profile Picture

Youngkak Cho From seoul

( 조영각 )

Youngkak Cho is a new media artist currently based in Seoul. S.Korea. His works explore various technological, social, and cultural issues arising from today's digital environment, focusing on creating complex systemic situations by utilizing artificial intelligence, data science, and robotics.

조영각은 현재 서울에서 활동 중인 뉴미디어 아티스트이다. 그의 작품은 오늘날의 디지털 환경에서 발생하는 기술-사회-문화적 이슈를 탐색하며, 인공지능, 데이터 사이언스, 로보틱스 등을 활용하여 복잡계적 상황을 연출하는 데 집중한다.

The Head Murmur

British National Corpus(BNC), openframeworks(glsl), touchdesigner(simplex)
1ch video, 1’00, 4k _ Original : 10’00

<The head murmur> is a generative art project exploring the essence of language and perception limits using open-source corpus. It decomposes language data into morphemes, recombines them, and visualizes the process. The seemingly chaotic language flow manifests unexpected patterns, demonstrating language's self-organizing ability. Audiences witness familiar language fragments reconstructed in new contexts. Through language processing, this work explores information perception mechanisms in the digital age and prompts reflection on the limitations of how we perceive the world.


  • Medium


  • The Head Murmur Figure 1
  • The Head Murmur Figure 2
  • The Head Murmur Figure 3
  • The Head Murmur Figure 4
  • The Head Murmur Figure 5

Q&A: Read the room

This work reexamines the concept of 'learning' and reconsiders the position of humans within a rapidly changing technological environment. The combination of robotic arms, endoscopic cameras, and generative AI challenges traditional methods of learning and perception. The 'pen' implemented with model hands and cameras symbolically demonstrates the reality of machines replacing human labor and learning. The generative video projected onto a book-shaped monitor reveals the fluidity of knowledge and the blurred boundaries between virtual and reality.
The AI-generated interpretation of this system represents new 'knowledge' that transcends human thinking as a product of machine learning. The process of this cipher being deconstructed and overlapping with the video metaphorically represents the reconstruction of knowledge systems. Also the capture of images through cameras enables viewers to function as part of the work and actively construct meaning. This implies the changing role of 'knowledge' that will be required in future learning environments.
Ultimately, this work induces contemplation about changes in learning, labor, and human roles following technological advancement. It provides viewers with an opportunity to look anew at the relationship between technology, humans, learning, and creativity, showing a cross-section of the direction in which the complexity of modern society is heading.

''. , , AI. ''. -.
AI, ''. . , . .
, . , , , , .

  • Medium

    Robot arm, pc, endoscopic camera, pen, monitor, wooden hand, Deep learning frameworks(Custom LLM), text DB, frame

  • Q&A: Read the room Figure 1